What is Writing Workshop?

The best way to learn how to write is by reading other writers and writing

Writing Workshop is a structure that allows us to analyze writing and practice the skills we've identified, to review and discuss each other's writing, to revise and edit our own writing, to share our written work, and to write

During Writing Workshop we'll always engage in: 

  1. Rehearsal: Mini-Lessons
    • Mini-Lessons are what they sound like, lessons that help us explore the craft and process of writing. Mini-Lessons will cover a wide range of topics, this for example is a Mini-Lesson. It should guide the drafting that follows.
  2. Drafting: a.k.a Writing
    • While we're starting with more analytical and academic writing, this will eventually be a space for you to 'write' creatively. 
Other Writing Workshops may also include some combination of the following:
  • Revision
  • Editing
  • Sharing